The Princess and I were cycling in the Phoenix Park at the weekend when we saw a man walking with a large flag. On closer examination, it was a flag with a picture of a wolf. We stopped to ask him why he was walking through the park flying a flag of a wolf. “Is it to encourage the re-introduction of the wolf to Ireland?” I asked nervously. Apparently not. We kept on guessing. It turned out that it was art. He had walked from the West of Ireland and he was going to walk all the way across Europe (he’d covered Iceland earlier) carrying his wolf flag. I was charmed by the idea and thought that it was a nice, if slightly odd, way to spend a warm November. He had no website. He gave us a card.
On one side was a picture of a wolf. On the other was the word resistance and, in Irish and English, instructions to write to a PO Box in Israel (he sounded like he was from Northern Ireland, so I’m unclear why Israel), “and tell of a woman soldier/a woman who has taken up arms/a woman who has gone to war”. The Princess and I intend to turn our minds to this matter, but if you had any suggestions to make in the comments, that would be welcome. Come on, it’s for art; we’ll acknowledge your input.
I’ve a feeling that the ongoing Ulster obsession with dividing the world into Protestants and Catholics extends even to Palestine, with (I believe) the Israelis being protestants and the Palestinians the Catholics. See also the Basque country
I think we need more obscure conflicts, these two are just too easy.
Yeah….probabally an anti Isreali type thing but I don’t get the wolf connection…in fact the whole thing doesn’t seem to make much sense???
Yeah, DTM, it’s art. Do you know the way to San Jose?