The children (one of whom is checking this as I write under the new censorship system) got their school reports this week. They’re all very brilliant, as ever, though I note, thanks to my OCD filing system, slightly less brilliant than last year. Six trophies were given out in school and three of them were claimed by my children, admittedly for perfect attendance rather than genius at Irish (two trophies – these went to other families) but you can’t have everything. [Boastful Mum – signed the ever-vigilant censor WHAT? evil mum!]
The Princess’s teacher commented as follows on her report:
“She has shown great skill in her story writing throughout the year and equally in her oral accounts of these stories.”
A sample of this work is quoted below:
My Pet
My pet’s name is Hodge. She is a cat (or a pig cleverly in disguise). The longest time she was ever away from a can of cat food was ten seconds, she probably died of hunger. She is MEANT to eat dry cat food but I don’t think that the next door neighbour understands the word “cat diet”. She is MEANT to drink water out of her bowl but she prefers Dad’s bedtime glass of water. Note to self, close the toilet lid.
A picture of the subject of this story is below.
Legal fat cat:
[“I’ve been checking the authorities and there’s no law against being 6 kilos” says Hodge]
The schizophrenic nature of this blog under the new regime is proving trying for me. So much so that the Princess may shortly have her own blog. She is pushing for the title “Comments of an 8 year old” to redress the perceived wrongs in this blog. It’s hard to regard this development with any great enthusiasm.
In less controversial news, we are all on summer holidays now – hurrah! Tomorrow we decamp for a week in Kerry. Let us pray for fine weather. Full account to follow when we get back. There’s something to look forward to.
The Princess has clearly inherited or absorbed the family talents for writing entertainingly.
Ah, let her have her own blog (with you as admin to view comments and possibly publish posts). Like her baking there will be 6 months of madness and then peace as another hobby takes over!
BTW- that is a very flattering picture of Hosge – she is way fatter in real life
I think the Princess definitely has a way with words. go her. And 6kg isn’t THAT fat. Our cat is 6.5kg and gaining. oops.
You are very kind Eimear – to both of us.
Easy for you to say, Miss.
LG, very kind – and, um, ooops.