Background: It is the Easter holidays. Mr. Waffle is minding the children every morning this week. As you know, regular lengthy exposure to small children can lead to tetchiness. I have been sailing into work early unencumbered by anything in particular, having made no sandwiches, dressed no one, given no one breakfast and driven no one to school. In the evenings, I return all sweetness and light.
I overheard this exchange from the kitchen this evening.
Daniel: I wish we had two Mummies.
Michael: Well, I don’t.
Daniel: Why not?
Michael: Because then we’d have to have two grumpy Daddies as well.
Poor Daddy ….
If you were Islamic or radical Mormon, David could have his two mommies, and Michael would not have to have two grumpy daddies. Just saying.
Deepest apologies. Make that “Daniel” could have his two mommies. Mind wandered into thoughts of a dear friend named “David” who is struggling to keep the mommie he has — she is battling cancer.
I know Pog, alas for him. Oh WOL, sorry to hear about your friend – grim.