We are getting new windows. I know, just as we are thinking of moving. Don’t be at me. They were scheduled to come early in the morning. I had a meeting first thing and my loving husband was on duty. Inevitably, as I sat in my meeting my phone rang.
Send text to unknown number: Am in mtg.
Have a thought, send follow-up text: Are you windows? If yes, call my husband.
Sit thinking that, if not windows, text will be unfortunate. Phone bleeps.
Message from windows: Sorry its R from [company]. alarming going off.wondering do u have code. cheers.
Reply: Sorry. No idea. We never use it. Try husband.
Message from windows: Cheers he’s here now.
Me to husband: Code might be in house file.
Husband to me: I was able to remember it from 2008. Glad you married me?
Me: Yes.
Getting your windows done just before moving could be quite a good investment. Most of the houses we’ve looked at have been much the same price on paper, but the ones that were executor sales (i.e. hadn’t had anything done since 1970) were getting offers around 20% under the asking price, whereas the only one that had been recently done up had (we were told) just had an offer only about 4% under.
This is a good answer, Dot. I note you have shelled out. Hope it is lovely.