The Home Lives of Others
Me: Do you like the new babysitter?
Daniel: Yes.
Me: What language do you think [insert the most Irish name you can think of at this point – babysitter’s mother is a native Irish speaker from Donegal] speaks at home?
Daniel: I dunno, French?
Me: Everyone has two grandmothers. Do you know who your two grandmothers are?
Daniel: Grandma and Aunty Nic?
The Solar System
Daniel: Do you know which planet is closest to the sun?
Me: Mercury?
Daniel: Yes, and then it’s Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Do you want to hear about sunspots?
hehe. I’m a great defender of the idea that there’s very little intrinsic difference between men and women, but then you get to the male brain’s affinity for FACTS…
And statistics. Never ceases to amaze me to hear two men talking sports — they know all the important statistics on their teams and favorite players — scoring averages, league standings, who scored what against whom — sounding like a couple of sports commentators.
Why am I the grandmother????????? * runs to l’oreal counter*
Boys love facts – relationships are far too ephemeral for them to concentrate on for too long. Poor Queen of Parks, that is a disaster!
It is odd, TM, there are no two ways about it.
Yes, WOL, I suppose I have this to look forward to as well.
QoP, fear not I am underlining the fact that his grips on some parts of reality are tenuous. Truly.
Amaranthine, no, no, not a disaster…