Parent teacher meetings: Herself, v clever, but continues to coast along without making the slightest effort (this is all very well in primary school but I can see disaster looming in the long term). Michael, too early to tell whether clever or not, but does not apply himself, particularly to colouring (try to care but just cannot, am clearly a bad mother). Daniel, tries very hard and worries a great deal about what everyone will think of his efforts. Due to power of will alone he can now nearly, nearly read. I think I should rely on Daniel for my pension. None of them shows the slightest interest in Irish or desire to speak it despite encouragement from all quarters. Sigh.
Went to see Tutankhamun exhibition on Saturday at the request of the children who are learning about ancient Eygpt in school. We queued for an hour with our pre-purchased ticket but, as a fellow queuer pointed out, at least it wasn’t raining. It was a bit dull in the end but the children, amazingly, seemed to enjoy it. Probably because they were given headphones.
Wait, teachers are allowed to tell you that your children are clever? I think one here would be fired for that.
Really? My friend in the NL says the same. No, they’re allowed to do that here. The teacher had the standardised tests under her arm and told us how herself had performed (modesty forbids etc. but she’s alright). I suppose Mia is more like our boys who are in senior infants (2nd year at school) and at that stage, it’s harder to tell how they’ll turn out than it is at nearly 8.
One thing you have in the US that I really think is terrific is additional supports for clever children. The rule here is that we’re short of resources, we need to apply to them to kids who might drop out and the clever ones can look after themselves which is true but it would be nice if there were something.
As a former coaster myself I can say that she may get away with it right up to Leaving Cert. especially as she is such a reader. Definitely caught up with me in the long run though. That research about praising kids for hard work instead of being clever seems apposite.
Leaving Cert, Eimear?? Way to go. Just chatting to a guy this morning who lectures in computers. He said he caught a student reading under the desk during one of his lectures on databases. She was reading the complete works of Milton. Wrong course, possibly.