The Princess cycled without training wheels today. She got the hang of it surprisingly quickly but maybe that’s because she is a little older than children often are when they get behind the handlebars for the first time. For my money, a more exciting moment than when she first walked. Unfortunately, I can’t remember when she first walked so this may contribute to my reaching this conclusion.
is it not on the blog somewhere?
I would think that watching your children achieving such milestones is bittersweet experience — happy and proud at their achievement, supportive and encouraging of their growing independence and autonomy, but sad and nostalgic that your “babies” are growing up, and slowly but surely “outgrowing” their parents.
Congrats Princess! She’ll be looking for roller blades next!
TM, you would think so wouldn’t you? And I went looking but no sign. My archives are a bit of a mess but still…
WOL, exactly. I was holding her hand in the park yesterday and I thought, soon, she won’t want to do this any more.
C, hmm is all I can say really.
Impressive! (I live in Bicycle-ville in Germany, and the site of miniature children whizzing past me is a bit disconcerting. As is the adult local habit of a cigarette (or mobile phone) in one hand, and an umbrella in the other. Sans helmet, of course.)
Lauren, I have been known to commit these kinds of sins also – not the cigarette. I will die healthy.