From Saturday’s paper:
“Since the advent of digital cameras and camera phones we’ve all been snapping away to our heart’s content. But who actually tidies up, prints out, stores and captions this plethora of images? Unless you’re frighteningly anal-retentive, or have shockingly little to do, the chances are that your digital photos languish in your computer in an unloved and untended electronic heap.”
So if I have, tidied up, printed out, stored and captioned my pictures and do not have shockingly little to do, what is it that the IT is implying about me?
I can confirm the IT is an excellent judge of character, if your elaborate but perfectly maintained filing system in our old office is anything to go by! I wouldn’t say this approach extends to every area of your life, though.
Yes, yes, yes – it all comes back to me. New filing system deeply unsatisfactory. Am wearing down colleagues. What was the IT said..