Childminder: She wanted to walk home from school rather than take the bus, so she jollied the boys along and we did it.
Me (awed): How long did it take?
Childminder: About 45 minutes.
Michael: Yes, and I’m sore at my leg.
Childminder: She made it a game for the boys.
Michael: And then she threatened to take away my bunny, if I didn’t keep walking.
Princess: Snort.
Me: Well done, sweetheart.
Her: I led the way.
Me: Good for you, how did you come?
Her: The opposite way from how we drive to know we kept walking straight and then turned right by the “video’s, pool, games” shop where the apostrophe is improperly used, then….
And of course, the part that makes you really proud is the part about the apostrophe (it would be for me):-)
Love that kid. Good grammar is essential.
Dot, but of course. Lucy, I like to think that I am passing on a soon to be lost tradition.