Let me see, the boys and I went to Dublinia which was dull but they seem to have come away with an abiding interest in bubonic plague. We went to mass where our parish priest dutifully hung Daniel’s picture of the crucifixion on a marble pillar. We had that great reading that starts “Vanity, vanity all is vanity”, which is both beautiful and pointed. Dinner with the cousins and in-laws.
Went to see the National Transport Museum which is appeallingly amateurish. The website is far more professional than the premises. Had lunch on a bench by the playground in Howth eating Beshoff’s take-away chips. A group of German tourists looked at us very disapprovingly. My sister rang from Bahrain and disapproved. Despite being sneered at for our poor eating habits/vulgarity, the children still didn’t eat anything. Daniel sucked the ketchup off his chips and then passed them on to the seagulls. Sometimes, I despair. Then, a walk at Howth Head where the Princess astonished us by running all the way. Michael did not surprise us; he insisted on travelling all the way back up on his father’s shoulders. Daniel was tired but manful.
Then out to the cinema with sister-in-law to finally see Inception.