Like a lot of the internet, I pasted some text into this box so that it would tell me who I write like. I appreciate that these things are not very accurate but would you say my description of our holiday below reminds you in any way of “The Godfather”? Off you trot to investigate yourself, you know you want to.
I write like David Foster Wallace, mmmmm n’est-ce pas?
Anything to do with your use of language like “slaughtered”, “slug” and “rat trap” I wonder….
Lesley, v. impressive altogether. Madrilena, I suppose you may have a point…
I also apparently write like David Foster Wallace, as do more than 50% of my online writer pals. I was hoping it would say Anne Tyler.
Apparantly I write like Douglas Adams. I was slightly nonplussed by this until I realised they were talking about the author of “A Hitchhiker’s Guiide to the Galxay” rather than “Watership Down” (which is of course Richard Adams). On balance I think I prefer the comparison with a writer known for intergalactic humour rather than Rabbits!
H.P. Lovecraft for the first chapter of the book (all those ravens, I suspect). David Foster Wallace for everything else (is he some sort of default setting do you suppose?). Just fed in an impenetrable text about fishery policy I’m supposed to be editing and it got Arthur C. Clark. They obviously didn’t have a setting for ‘you write like someone for whom jargon is their first language.’
I’m jealous I didn’t get Douglas Adams now.
I write like Dan Brown. But I would rather have my bank account resemble his, I think.
I write like loads of people I don’t know and Agatha Christie and Dan Browne
Who is Cory Doctorow? Apart from being my muse, of course …
I write like Stephen King. Does this bode well?
Charlotte, TM, it does look like DFW, is popular. TM, my sister fed her impenetrable work text (project summary, I think) into it and got James Joyce. She thinks that it decided that it was like Finnegans Wake.
TTT, Douglas Adams is good.
Oh Kristi, wouldn’t we all?
Pog, I think he’s the Boing, Boing fella, a gathering of all the fascinating thinks on the internet. You may make of this what you will.
QoP, well, didn’t you say you were going for commercial?