Yes, yes, I know that this is very dull for you but, if I don’t record it here, how will I ever remember what we did with our lives?
So, on Saturday we went on the church outing. I never thought that going to mass was going to help me to get to know my neighbours but it seems to be an unintended consequence. We went to an adventure playground, the sun shone, the children played with each other, we sat in the shade and chatted and the whole thing passed off peacefully except for an incident involving herself and the water slide (she wanted to get on it, we wanted to have lunch first).
Then today we had friends around for lunch and the weather was so clement that we were able to sit in the garden. Surely this is not what the Irish summer is about. Rain is forecast.
Rain for July – typical! And just as we decamp back to Ireland for the alleged “summer”. I hope we can meet up and exchange ironies! đŸ˜‰
Oh, when are you coming and for how long? June has been magnificent – you are certainly doomed for July. I’m taking the children to Cork next week and fear the worst…
All of July in Dublin and August “touring,” but around for at least a week then too. Oh the glamour!