Herself said to me shyly the other day that she “couldn’t help” seeing something about our trip to Cork on the internet.
Her: Is it like a diary on the computer?
Me: Yes, it is.
Her: Why wouldn’t you want to keep a diary secret?
Me: Well, I suppose I don’t believe in secrecy.
Her: Why don’t you use my real name?
Me: For secrecy.
So far, she remains in ignorance of my archives but she did seem rather charmed by the idea that I am tracking her every move. Cross-questioning revealed that my loving husband had left my homepage here open while searching for club penguin. Oh well, I suppose she had to find out at some point. She doesn’t seem scarred by the knowledge. Yet.
Is Mr. Waffle playing club penguin too?
Be interested to see how this pans out. I suppose if she starts to get a bit freaked by it you could show her other blogs with other children – that way, if nothing else, they can all get together and start a self-help group when they’re older.
I wonder about this too. It will be a few years before the issue truly arises for us. I hope the Princess is flattered rather than not to be a star of the internet.
No, TM, he was just putting it on for her. I, on the other hand, am fascinated and have won hundreds of coins playing the disco game. I like the idea of the self-help group.
So far, she is flattered…