The babysitter tells me that last night the Princess confided to her that she does not believe in the Easter bunny. I was distinctly lacklustre about the Easter bunny myself. My line to the children was “there was no Easter bunny when I was a child, I know nothing about its habits or habitat”. However, as the Princess spoke to the babysitter, she began to speculate that if there is no Easter bunny, there may well be no Santa Claus. The babysitter went for “well, I’ve never seen him, but some people believe in him.” I am distressed. Also, I foresee trouble as the Princess is incapable of keeping a secret. I think the tooth fairy has bitten the dust as well (no repining there) as her French childminder has said that in France children’s milk teeth are taken away by a mouse and there is no tooth fairy in France.
Rats. These eloquent lies we tell!
perhaps tis time for her to see the polar express. Basic message – Santa exists if you believe.
Hmm. Interesting. I wonder how long it will take for this thought process to be applied to Church attendance?
I know, Lucy. Alas. Maybe Polar Express will be necessary next Christmas but only after her brothers have gone to bed.
Well, Cha0tic, if she spent as much time thinking about religion as the Easter bunny, I suppose that there might be some danger but at the moment the risk is slight.