I am growing my hair. Mostly through inertia, it grows slowly. I haven’t had it cut since April 2009 and it only really needs to be cut now. It hasn’t yet reached my shoulders. Someone complimented me on it recently and commented that 90% of men who have affairs have them with women whose hair is longer than their wives’ hair. Discuss.
That’s a ‘scaretistic’. Keep an eye on whoever told you that.
I’ve heard that before and always assumed hair length was a proxy for (a) youth (b) free time.
I knew I kept mine long for a reason. And not just laziness and a hatred of hairdressers
Excellent. Soon I’ll become a wanton woman.
QoP – you realise you have long hair yourself, of course…
E, yes, I think so.
See, TM, you will keep your man safe, if you grow it long enough to sit on.
Heather, congratulations.
But you look wonderfully gamine with short hair.
You can’t be gamine at 41. Truly.
I’ve also heard that 92.4% of all statistics are made up.
Lies, damned lies and statistics…