Daniel knows “The Giant Jam Sandwich” off by heart. And, after spending all night getting youtube to upload the video, you too can see him and be entranced. Particularly, if you are related to him, I suppose.
In other Daniel news, recently he has taken to using the Irish form of Mummy which is MamaÃ. Since he invariably addresses me in the vocative, this becomes “A Mhamai” which is pronounced “awahmi” which is, frankly, rather odd for me, but charming all the same.
I am impressed by his correct use of the vocative as this is increasingly honoured in the breach rather than the observance in schools. Very difficult to pick up naturally when older.
My father had a great anecdote about some old Hollywood film which featured a few vignettes of the auld sod before the female lead emigrated to Amerikay. They had done some research and she addressed her father as “A DhaidÔ – as waffle knows this is pronounced “ayahdi”. Unfortunately they went a bit far with this and later had one character in talking to another refer to “When Ayahdi died”.
Nothing to do with your post, but the Guardian had a photo of the recently (or about to be) opened National Leprechaun museum in Dublin & I wondered whether you were planning on doing a field trip & reporting back…
Eimear, I think he has an excellent ear – he is acquiring an extraordinary Dublin accent..
TM, I know, just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse. Apparently tickets are 10 euros a pop so am a bit dubious.
For 10 Euros you’d want real leprechauns at the very least…