Princess: What’s Passover?
Me: Why?
Her: It’s on my Lenten calendar.
Me: Oh right, well you know the plagues of Eygpt, locusts, frogs, rivers of blood and so on?
All three children: YES!
Me: Well the last thing was that God said he would kill all the first born children of the Egyptians, if they wouldn’t let the Israelites go.
Daniel (in shock): GOD WHO LOVES US?
Me: Well, yeees…
Daniel: Really?
Me: Weelll, you know, it’s um, anyway, moving on, the Jews ate a special meal and put a mark on the door so that the Angel of Death would pass over their houses, “pass over” get it? Hence Passover.
Daniel: Maybe God was joking and he wasn’t really going to kill them.
Me: Um, yes, maybe he was.
Hmm, explaining the intricately woven web of Judeo-Christian texts to a four year old…
Good luck with that.
Yeah, a little challenging.
I like your efforts. Those things we take for granted aren’t so easy to understand if you are small!
I’d have thought the Princess would have been more alarmed than Daniel.
Thank you Lucy. Well, Praxis, as you know she is both blood thirsty and considers herself one of the elect – why precisely should she be worried?