Me (upstairs putting on make up): You are the leader, go and inspire your brothers to get dressed.
Her (voice penetrating from downstairs): Mummy made me the leader, you must do what I say. (Noises of protest off)
Me (loudly): Come back up here.
Her: Did you hear that?
Me: Yes I did.
Her: Rats.
Me: That’s not what a real leader does, a real leader inspires her team to follow her through her own example like Jake the Red Ranger in Power Rangers SPD.
Her: OK so.
Moments later she returns.
Me: Are the boys dressed?
Her: No.
Me: I thought you were the leader, I thought you were going to inspire the boys to get dressed.
Her: I passed on the job to Daddy.
I suppose real leaders know how to delegate too.
Oh, joy. I just found your site via Fluid Pudding. I’m an Irish-American with three youngish girls that I’ve named after places in your country. I’ll tell one of them to ask the others to do something like “put on their shoes”. She’ll march right into the room they’re in and say “you have to get you shoes on NOW!” All havoc reigns. Or worse, she’ll stand right next to me and shout into the other room, “Mom said to get your shoes on!” as if I couldn’t do that myself. Parenting is insane. It’s a little less so when we’re all honest about that. Thanks for the truth.