When my sister goes to London, she likes to spend all her money in Fortnum and Mason’s. Because she is kind and generous, she brings me presents. Last time she went she brought me back lapsang souchong jelly. I like lapsang tea but I was dubious about its crossover appeal as something to spread on your toast. The first time I tasted it, I didn’t like it but I persisted and now I like it very much. It’s clearly an acquired taste. This morning I finished the jar. I am regretful. Where in Dublin am I likely to get lapsang souchong jelly we ask ourselves?
Would you like to submit your own example of what a friend’s brother calls “my bourgeois hell”? Go on, you know you want to.
My bourgeois hell = not being able to get coriander at the supermarket. I have to make an extra trip to the Greek greengrocer. And sometimes – shock! horror! – he doesn’t have it.
Meanwhile, my bourgeois hell is a brilliant concept for a blog. Aren’t you tempted?
I told this tale of woe to a friend of mine and she replied that it sounded like a ‘very middle class disaster’:
A few weeks ago, whilst stood at a bus stop, I managed to spill a significant quantity of chai latte down my coat, as a result of not having replaced the lid properly after dunking my biscotti into it. Even worse, quite a lot landed on my cream pashmina…
Definitely bourgeois hell.
Fallon and Byrne on Exchequer st (Wicklow Street) might have it (01 472 1000). Or you could try Donnybrook Fair on Morehampton Road (01 668 3556) or Cavistons in Sandycove (1 2809120).
Very good Charlotte – yes it is a brilliant idea, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll start a page.
Ken, Donnybrook Fair is no, will attempt others. My sister says F&M will deliver from £15 but I think I might need to be a lot keener to go down that route.