Mr. Waffle took the children to visit his parents an hour ago and isn’t due back for another 2 hours. It’s all peace and tranquility here. In a moment I am going to take a black bin bag upstairs and fillet the children’s rooms of forgotten toys lurking at the bottom of the toy baskets.
What, you ask have I been doing in the first hour of my freedom? Did I read the Sunday papers while having a relaxing cup of tea? Did I replace the inner tube on the back wheel of my bicycle? Did I just play on the internet? Oh no, I did not. I organised the children’s lego. By colour and brick size. I also made a tractor and a police car to make sure that we have all the pieces. We laugh that we do not weep.
Life is waaaay too short! Then again I haven’t yet thrown out a toy in six and a half years, except maybe one or two which were irretrievably broken/dangerous. I hope the 2nd hour was more usefully employed.
Oh go on, you were playing with it.
Yes, I know, C, hence the regret.
TM, NO I WAS NOT – I had to make them to ensure that no pieces were missing. Playing with it indeed. Snort.