The Princess loves Hodge.
She spends her time poking Hodge in the eye and putting her hand, daringly, in the cat’s mouth.
When she is not carrying her around.
I tell her to put the cat down and leave her alone. But, surprisingly, the cat sticks to her like a limpet.
Still, Hodge sometimes likes to get a good tree between her and us.
Also she sleeps with a gun under her pillow, just in case.
Incidentally, did I mention that Mr. Waffle finds himself speaking in French to the cat which is hilarious.
I saw these on your Flickr yesterday or so, and meant to come here and mention that you have some of the most beautiful children ever conceived.
Pass the nitroglycerine, I’m having a cute attack! So lovely.
Thank you B and N. You are both v. kind and only one of you is related!