I have a friend who, very reprehensibly, forwards these kinds of email. Clearly, I always delete them while making a tutting sound. One arrived today and I deleted it and forgot about it until I got home this evening. I found three letters from the revenue commissioners announcing that they had reassessed my tax returns for 2004, 2005 and 2006 and telling me cheerily (in light of the state of the exchequer) that they calculated that for those years I had an additional liability of €6,000. 6 months of this kind of luck could beggar us.
But you weren’t even living in Ireland over that period.
Thanks for the birthday card, by the way – easily the most tasteful I received, which you’d (wrongly) construe as faint praise if you saw the others! I’m genuinely touched by your promise to send me one in perpetuity.
I KNOW. The injustice. I am glad that you liked your card. I miss you even though you prowled around the office in your socks…