For Nablopomo (if you have to ask, this post is not for you), I was going to give you details of my favourite blogs. My favourites list is not up to date. I was going to do it in November. It’s more time consuming than I had anticipated.
Instead, I am going to read my blogroll every day and give you some links to posts I like.
So starting with this one. It is technical, it is perhaps a little tedious but so many people get this wrong, people who should know better and it drives me bananas. Please consider, the difference between the Council of Europe and the European Council. I particularly enjoy the way all the comments are further refinements by fellow obsessives. This is starting off all wrong, isn’t it?
I wish I’d read this before we’d got our cat.
The White House Government blog – oh the disappointing dullness of this. However, I can’t help feeling that this picture is going to make the religious right quite cross.
Unlike the Government blog, the flickr stream is always worth a look: careful, interesting shots.
This is a hilarious blog about bad writing – here’s an example. Subscribe, subscribe, you will not regret it. Though you will cringe when you see your own particular faults lampooned.
I am sure you are aware of the excellent Mr. Kottke. I have found many of the blogs I read regularly via his site. May I give you a sample? Just tonight I had a look at strange maps, a bizarre banner ad and one for generation text.
Isn’t this clever? And it’s not just techno tips for old people either. Well, it depends, how old is old?
You know who dooce is, of course: this appealed.
I love this woman. She has proper standards and she is not afraid to say so. I am still very glad that she was not at mass with me and my children on Sunday.
The weirdness of Americans. Be very afraid, where America goes the rest of the world follows. I mean, why are we all celebrating Halloween? Can I take this opportunity to point out that this is an Irish festival exported to the new world with the bulk of our population. You can see though why pumpkin lanterns were always more likely to take off than turnip lanterns which they were using at home in the absence of exciting new world vegetables. I digress, regular outrages are available here from the woman who let her nine year old ride the subway.
There was a similar shot of George Bush a while back, if I recall correctly!
Great links, thanks for sharing!
Glad you liked them – deafening silence from others indicates that you may be alone…
I think of old as a state of mind. 😉 Thank you for finding me! 🙂
Katherine, now that you’re here, you know I’ll be asking whether you do requests.
Certainly do! I’m worried that when NaBloPoMo ends I’ll have run out of ideas! (This year I thought ahead and made a list with an idea for each day, but I haven’t covered regular posting for December. Oh my.) 🙂 Unrelated, I love your most recent post! You have pristine handwriting!
Katherine, the requests, they are coming…
Hooray! I await your request with great enthusiasm.