From: Mr. Waffle
To: His loving wife
Subject: Revenue and Bouncy Castle
Apparently banal request to renew my Revenue On-Line cert leads to this astonishing statement:
Renewing your ROS Digital Certificate
In order to renew your ROS digital certificate, ROS requires that you run third-party software provided by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle.
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle is a well-respected supplier of security software that is approved by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners for use with ROS.
They’re not joking.
They’re not, are they?
Evidently the entire world is turning into a Monty Python sketch. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I wish someone had let us know first.
Mike, what an excellent comment – I shamefully admit that I used it at lunch today and passed it off as my own.
And they have a uniform of flasher macs and trilbies – how marvellous!