We got “The Incredibles” out on DVD. It has made a huge impression on the children. They are now to be known as Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack. I am Elastigirl (though, as Michael kindly pointed out, Elastigirl is really thin unlike me but I can still be Elastigirl because I am his Mummy) and their father is Mr. Incredible. Sometimes we forget and call them by their real names and Michael, in particular, becomes furious. He is also demanding that his diet be further restricted as, in the film, Jack-Jack only eats porridge. In vain do I argue that off-screen Jack-Jack enjoys a healthy and varied diet and that he can eat alone (in the film his mother feeds him). It’s all becoming very tedious and shows no signs of wearing off.
Because Daniel speaks so clearly, I regularly correct him. Michael is far less distinct and as I can’t hear what he’s saying, he is far less subject to maternal corrections. I note that Daniel has decided to address this deficit. I heard Michael say “The Incredders is a vewy good pwogwamme.” Daniel replied firmly: “No, Michael, ‘The Incredibles‘ is a very good programme.” “Yes, a gweat pwogwamme.” “No Michael, not pwogwamme, programme.” “Yes, progwamme.” It’s tough being a twin.
Hi Mrs Waffle 🙂
My nephew and neice have just watched Kung Fu Panda, from the same toybox as the Incredibles and also very good. The Panda loves his food and will do anything for it.. so mabye if the porridge eater persists in being Jak Jak this second DVD might come to your rescue 🙂
As for Micheals “w”s another nephew of mine also has a bit of an odd speech impediment. He had some speech therapy and now at 12 he is much clearer, although he still has traces left. I wonder what causes it? Odd isnt it.
Michael is a delightful affectionate boy, and his slightly odd speech does not seem to be holidng him back. I wish the same for your Michael 🙂 (oh and sympathy to him for being corrected by his twin! lol)
Mr S has a pyjama top that is very shiny and clinging and greatly resembles Mr Incredible’s outfit. I suggest you get one for Mr Waffle. Hours of amusement. Well, for me anyway.