Geepeemama and Beth have both recently interviewed their children. I give you the Princess’s combined answers to both sets of questions.
1. What is something mummy always says to you?
Brush your teeth.
2. What makes mummy happy?
When children are good
3. What makes mummy sad?
When children are bad
4. How does your mummy make you laugh?
By doing funny things
5. What did your mummy like to do when she was a child?
Eat chocolate, I suppose.
6. How old is your mummy ?
I don’t know. 29? [This despite prolonged exposure to my rolling 40th birthday celebrations].
7. How tall is your mummy ?
Very, compared to me.
8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
University Challenge
9. What does your mummy do when you’re not around?
Tidies up, I suppose [Entirely correct]
10. If your mummy becomes famous, what will it be for?
I don’t know. Drawing? [Really, very unlikely].
11. What is your mummy really good at?
Not losing her temper.
12. What is your mummy not very good at?
Being cross when children are bold.
13. What does your mummy do for her job?
I don’t know.
14. What is your mummy ‘s favorite food?
You’ve got me there.
15. What makes you proud of your mummy?
When she wins a competition [I never win competitions]
16. If your mummy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Sleeping Beauty.
17. What do you and your mummy do together?
Go to nice cafes.
18. How are you and your mummy the same?
We tidy up the same way.
19. How are you and your mummy different?
We don’t have the same hair colour.
20. How do you know your mummy loves you?
Because she’s my mummy and she’s very kind to me and she just gave me a big hug.
21. What does your mummy like most about your daddy?
He’s kind and very generous.
22. Where is your mummy ‘s favorite place to go?
I don’t know. Mummy where is it?
And now, GPMama’s questions.
1. What’s your favorite TV show? I don’t have one.
2. What’s two plus two? Four.
3. What is your favorite knock knock joke. Knock knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Don’t cry, it’s OK. [I read this out to her from GP mama’s replies and she loved it and repeated it straight back. Jokes are not her long suit].
4. What do you want for your birthday? A pirate ship.
5. If you could have one wish, what would you wish for? That fairies existed. [In more recent times, we might have added the Easter Bunny. My response on the Easter Bunny was to say that there was no Easter Bunny when I was a child so I didn’t know anything about him. Mr. Waffle’s response was to say that ther is no Easter Bunny. She was shocked and amazed: really, really? There’s no Easter Bunny?]
6. Favorite color? Orange
7. How do you make biscuits? I don’t know. You need flour and eggs.
8. Why do we exercise? To make us fitter and thinner [eh? where did this come from?]
9. What’s your favorite food that’s good for you? Plums
10. What’s your favorite holiday? Camping. But you’ve never been camping. It’s still my favourite.
11. Something Daddy did that he wasn’t supposed to? He was cross with the children.
12. Who’s a better at cleaning – Mummy or Daddy? Both.
13. What’s your favorite book? “Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book”
“6. How old is your mummy ?
I don’t know. 29?”
Hilarious! Oh, sorry.