The Princess will be six on April 12. She has been preparing thoroughly for this event. Using her new found reading and writing skills she has been drawing up guest lists and food lists and sundry other lists for the big day.
She is particularly concerned about presents. She does not want any more dolls. She has enough dolls and she wants exciting toys like her brothers get.
The other evening I arrived home from work to find her marching up and down with a home-made placard saying “NO MOR BARBEES”.
Those of you who were kind enough to offer advice will (mostly) be pleased to hear that her parents have decided no more ballet. It looks like, following the work to rule, management has caved on one item, at least.
Well thank the lord there’s one little girl who sees sense.
“NO MOR BARBEESâ€!! I love it. Good girl, Princess!
apparently this was all a plot between her and the ballet mistress to provide more funding for birthday presents.
Amen to the “no mor barbees”.
Belle turns 6 two weeks earlier. We are having a disco. We may be insane.
Beats my four year old sister (I’m 35. Don’t ask.) who has devised a means of playing with all her older brothers’ gun games by declaring, in her Barbie tiara and ballgown, that ” I’m a princess, and I’m running out of ammo!”