Please see Mike’s list of 50 things to do before you die which is definitely the best list of this kind that I’ve ever seen.
Nicholas drew this to my attention: “For the three of you who care and haven’t seen it: Match It for Pratchett“. I am one of the three and I suspect my aunt is one of the last two. Are you the other one?
I’m not sure how I found this blog but I love it. I’m not saying that I always agree with it. She does not, oh she definitely does not, approve of people who let their children eat products from the supermarket before they have reached the check out. Guilty. But still, I love her firm laying down the law; she doesn’t have any of that wishy-washy oooh, I wonder what I should do, am I doing it right angst about child-rearing. I like that. I quite look forward to her nuggets of stern advice though, I think, if she saw how I am bringing up my children, she might shoot me.
In a completely different vein, I came across this put together by the mothers of dead babies. It is beautifully written and very moving but only for reading, if you’re feeling strong.
Um. I pop over for the first time in a while, and I find you’ve linkied me. *shuffles feet* Ta. 🙂
Within 2 minutes of reading I’ve added Sheiss Weekly to my own blogroll. ‘Nuff said. Ta again.
Glow in the woods is….raw.
(Oh, and I’m in the middle of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, which I see over there on the right. Good innit?)
Scheiss, I mean.
Since I’d hate for this comment to be nothing but an extremely anal typo-correction on my part, can I recommend the flipping amazingly brilliant VisuWords?
How nice you are! Thank you so much for those kind words and for the link!
Now, put down that cookie; it’s not ours until it’s paid for. 🙂
Mikeachim, thank YOU, too.
I feel so very grateful when nice people like you link to me.
Glow in the Woods is astonishing – and heartbreaking.