3 – Number of people who cried before dinner: the Princess because I wouldn’t give her a bowl of cornflakes, Michael because I wouldn’t let him have his party bag from the creche and me because the Princess cannoned in to me while I was sitting on the floor and knocked my head into the cast iron radiator (big bump).
3 – Number of people who actually ate any dinner: me, Mr. Waffle and the Princess (reluctantly), dinner boycotted by the boys (determinedly).
1 – Number of people who sat down triumphantly to a bowl of cornflakes at 8 o’clock.
2 – Number of people who howled hungrily and refused to get into the bath.
1 – Number of people who stayed up on the computer until one in the morning.
1 – Number of people awoken from slumbers in the middle of the night by errant spouse blinding him with bathroom light.
this post almost tops the fantastic vomit post. almost. that post made me consider moving to a home entirely covered in rubber, this post made me want cornflakes for dinner… how you do it, and stay up till 1 am, i do not know.
I’m surprised by the amount of apparent sanity you keep after that.