Ireland is awash with festivals, particularly in the Summer. There was a not particularly funny, spoof article about this in the Irish Times recently. I did like this one though:
“And last but not least, we can’t go without mentioning…
(in the picturesque town that’s a gateway to a world just waiting to be discovered)
One of the country’s longest-running festivals celebrates its 25th anniversary with a mouthwatering line up. This festival has it all or, if it’s adventure you’re after, something for everyone. If it’s festival-going that you want, look no farther than this. Something for all the family. Why not get away from it all? Book early to avoid disappointment. You can’t take a horse to water but you can enjoy the Festival of Cliche.”
Meanwhile, in the births column:
PERFECTLY ORDINARY SURNAME – A beautiful baby boy born on March 4, 2008…. to delighted parents Kathryn and Barry. Dashel Zice treasured grandson for Sean and Mary etc. etc.
Dashel Zice?
Dashel Zice makes sense once you realize that it is an anagram for SLICED HAZE.
Oh yes, it’s all clear now. Do you think we should bring back LJS?
One day those parents are going to google Dashel Zice just to make sure that they haven’t burdened him with a terribly common, unoriginal name and they’re going to end up right here!
LSJ lives!
That’s LJS to you.
I’m available for remakes …
I’m thinking about it, oh yes I am.