The Princess likes me to make up stories about Dora and Boots. Although these stories feature Dora and Boots, Abuela, Mami, Papi, Diego and, when I think of it, Map and Backpack, they are essentially stories about a little girl in Brussels and the adventures she has. After telling a number of these this afternoon, I was creatively exhausted.
Her: Tell me another Dora story.
Me: Last one then. Dora was sitting on the sofa with her Mummy and the doorbell rang, it was her cousin Diego. Dora was so excited. Diego had a lamb with him [Diego works in animal rescue, so I thought he should arrive with an animal – insert here the kick Dora gets from feeding the lamb with her little brothers’ bottles]. Then Mami invites Diego to stay to dinner but suggests he brings the lamb home first because she doesn’t want it leaping all over her furniture.
Her: But do they have the lamb for dinner?
Me (a little shocked but, you know, we’re carnivores, I suppose, as it happens, we’re having lamb chops for dinner): Well, maybe not that day maybe a couple of weeks later for Easter.
Her: But MAMA WHY, why not now?
Me: Well, you know it would have to be killed and prepared and cooked and Mami didn’t have time to do that before dinner.
Her (aghast): I meant when would they eat with the lamb.
You WERE carnivores, you mean.
Baby E is mad about Diego. I like the way you put it, that he “works in animal rescue”. She would like to be an animal rescuer when she grows up, but using your phrasing makes it sound like if she didn’t make the cut she could have a related career, say in animal rescue administration or animal rescue human resources.
I can’t bear Diego. He’s such a goodygood. Chipeur le renard on the other hand has huge dramatic potential. My favourite by far.
I have no idea who any of these people are.
This post made me laugh loudly. Wonderful.
This made me laugh out loud….
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.