The doctor came round this morning and examined myself and the Princess. Mr. Waffle didn’t feel we were sick enough to justify this indulgence but this being Belgium, there is a team of doctors out there whose job is to come to your house and they don’t care how sick or well you are as long as you pay their very moderate fees.
He said that I might have flu but they hadn’t seen much flu this year so he was reluctant to diagnose, though it was odd that I had suffered four days of high temperature. He said I should be better soon. I see no sign yet. Still, I wasn’t expecting to, I just need a cert for work once I’ve been off for three days. It would be much cheaper and handier for everyone, if they’d just trust me. Moan, groan, grizzle, whinge.
The Princess really is sick now though and he seemed quite impressed by her illness. Shall we say a full novena that the boys don’t succumb?