I heard an extraordinary thing on the radio the other morning. In Britain they are debating allowing the development of crossed human animal embryos for stem cell research, though not, as one of the speakers made clear for implantation (that’s a relief then). Is it just me or is science getting a bit beyond us?
In other news, I see that the US FDA has approved cloned meat for serving up for dinner. I rest my case.
More likely the offspring of cloned animals, since a cloned cow costs about 20k, which makes for a rather pricey steak. Happy to be a vegetarian all the same.
Yes, I’ve been hearing/reading about these supposed scientific “developments”. It seems the more “advanced” we become, the more we leave our morals behind. This world we’re living in becomes more frightening each day.
Morals are all relative – especially when you or a family member has a horrible degenerative disease that could be alleviated or cured by cloning research. To answer Ms Waffle’s original question – yes science is getting beyond “us” because the science is so complex it is hard for the regular person to understand it and even harder for the regular journalist/media to explain it properly – hence the resort to shock/horror headlines. At least in the UK they have a reasonably good system of bodies and parliamentary committees to actually debate such things on an informed basis. By the way, some people think blood transfusions are an abhorrence. And vaccines. Both “advances” which 99.9999 etc per cent of people are happy with.