I read that the gap between European and US productivity would disappear, if only Europeans took the same kind of holidays as Americans. Frankly, who are the winners here?
Despite nearly 40 years of marriage to my mother-in-law, my father-in-law continues to be just the tiniest bit less than right-on occasionally. This is what comes of being a captain of industry.
F-in-L (expounding): The bottom line is that if a business has to choose between somebody who will work full-time and someone who will only be able to work part-time, then they will want the full-time worker; our own personnel officer etc. etc.
Me: Useless exposition re turning around the work place, life-work balance, losing female and, indeed, some male talent etc. etc.
M-in-L (pensively): I suppose in the 19th century employers were saying – holidays, how will we run the business, if people go on holidays? And PAID holidays? You must be joking.
F-in-L (who is a big fan of holidays) blustering: Come on, now, that’s completely different..
pog says
Your M-in-L has my vote …