Him: We should get the car serviced and check the tyre pressure.
Him: You’re only agreeing because you know that I’m the one who’s going to do it.
Me: Yes.
NaBloPoMo – I’m going to save W for tomorrow. Because I can. There are 30 days in November but only 26 letters of the alphabet. Ha.
However, forgot to mention David Sedaris under S. He is excruciatingly funny. Since it is the season for it, here is a link for a funny Christmas story by Mr. Sedaris. I cannot say how he feels about it being on the interweb but doubtless he will be much happier if it makes you go out and buy his books.
I agree David Sedaris is great – he writes for the New Yorker occasionally and those pieces are really wierd and self-obsessed. I missed reading your blog for the last week due to illness so I won’t go on at too much lenght on the letters I missed (P-V) except to say that Annie Proulx is marvellous (and no, I haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain, but had already read the story). I also like Rushdie, Solzhenitsyn and Tolstoy, which may sound pretentious but they are really really good. I read War and Peace last year cos I thought I had to and it was marvellous and didn’t take as long as I had feared (which was very very long as I only get ten minutes reading time at night when I collapse into bed). My husband likes Updike’s Rabbitt books and I don’t which worries me slightly. And finally thanks for all the multiple recommendations for Anne Tyler – I’ve never read her but will clearly have to.