Everything that we associate with Christmas was, essentially, imported by Queen Victoria from her German relatives and exported from there to a waiting world. I was forcibly reminded of this today when I went to the Saxony-Anhalt Christmas market in Brussels. It was absolutely beautiful. They had lovely things for the children, singers in odd costumes who sang to them, not a single tacky stall and the most wonderful wooden toys and decorations. It was without doubt the most perfect Christmas market I have ever been to. It helped that the whole thing seemed to be fairly uncommercial. They were selling things but in a very relaxed way. We were all enchanted. There is absolutely no way I am taking my children to meet Santa after they have seen his workshop at head height in the Saxony Anhalt Christmas market.
I think we can take it that the festivities have begun.
NaBloPoMo – OK, W tomorrow, no really.
It certainly does belong to the Germans! We love it and are so grateful for its non-commercial loveliness.
The latest Germanic Christmas thing that we are taking part in is having two carol-singers (Sternsinger) join the groups who walk around town in early January, dressed up as the three Kings raising money for charity. This has gone on for fifty years and is a way to help children to think about those less fortunate than themselves who are likely not to have had such a wonderful Christmas.