Her:Â I want the pink toothpaste.
Me: It tastes exactly the same as the blue toothpaste.
Her: Pink is for girls.
Me: No, it’s not, that’s just social conditioning.
Her: What’s social conditioning?
Me: Well, people say that pink is for girls and blue is for boys but it’s not true. You just feel it’s true because you see lots of pink things for little girls and you hear it a lot.
Her: I don’t care; I like pink.
Pink toothpaste does not taste the same as Blue. Try Euthymol. It’s not a taste a lot of children like, I know I hated it as a child, though I love it now.
Our pink toothpaste is strawberry flavoured and disgusting. The blue is mint and fine. Why do we have both in our house? Social conditioning of course. (Though of course Ned also prefers the pink….)
I notice your blog has a blue background, but I always thought you were a girl.