Today is my loving husband’s birthday. I think that this is the first birthday he has had with quite so much vomit. As a special birthday surprise, I let him go to work while I stayed home with the childminder to help out with the sick children. The older you get the less fun your presents become.
I wanted to write about how wonderful my spouse is but I seem to have writer’s block. The knowledge that, any second now, someone will start to scream may be putting me off. Also, having a perfect husband isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, you know. When other people complain about their husbands, I can’t join in, well, not unless I want to be really annoying. Ok, he probably isn’t perfect but I don’t think I know of anyone else whose husband is so much of a partner. When we’re drowning in baby vomit, we’re splashing in it together. When we’re up 14 times in the night we’re up 7 times each. When we have to take a day off work to mind a sick child, we take in turns. He washes, I sweep, he cooks, I clean, he folds, I put away, he sews, I hoover. I have never felt we were anything other than completely equal partners in the work of parenting and running a home. Even when I am annoyed with him, for gentle reader, difficult as it is to believe, this happens, and I mutter under my breath, I never mutter, “it’s not fair, I do everything” for at no level is that true. And it’s such an unexpected bonus because before I married him, I hadn’t tested his baby friendliness or his housekeeping skills in any depth. I knew that he was kind and good and loving and funny and clever and that he had an over-developed sense of duty and what was right. Little did I know that that last which could be so tiresome (oh trust me here) would be one of the best things in the long run.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Mine does some of that too except he has to tell the whole world.
Happy Birthday to both of you (am only a week late in your case).
Happy Birthday Mr Waffle & belated Happy Birthday Mrs W.
“I think that this is the first birthday he has had with quite so much vomit.”
I take it from that statement he was never a student then? 🙂
Happy birthday Mr. I shall be sending this entry to my husband- but only to say “look, someone else who likes girl stuff!”
Goodness. We may have to insist that he return his “Manly Man” certificate.
Happy Birthday Mr W!
Happy Birthday to Mr Waffle. Hope he enjoyed his birthday present of being the one who got to go to work.
My, you sound like such a happy wife, despite all the vomit! Congratulations Mr. Waffle and congratulations you for having him! I hope you’ll be able to enjoy and celebrate some time soon. Guess that would have to mean no more sickness in the house, oh well:)
Happy B’day Mr. Waffle-goodness you do sound like a deliriously happy couple!