A while back a colleague said to me “you don’t have a blog or something daft like that?” and instead of replying in a suitably Jesuitical manner “why would you ask me something like that, do I look like I’m 16?”, I was caught on the hop and I said “yes”. He is the first person I’ve ever worked with who has known about the blog. It’s a little unnerving. We are friends as well as colleagues and I trust him to keep my secret safe (are you listening J?) but yet, the whole Chinese wall thing is mildly unsatisfactory. My colleague rubbed his hands in glee when he found out and said “it’s like being gay and wanting not to be outed”. Who would have thought this blog would bring me such a range of new experiences?
And then there’s another friend and former colleague who has heard that the blog exists and is, I am paranoidly convinced, slowly but surely scanning the blogosphere until he finds me. Not that there’s anything here I haven’t already told people; as one friend memorably remarked to me, “you would tell your life story to the person beside you at the bus stop”. Do other people’s colleagues know that they blog? Do they still have paid employment? Answers on a postcard, please.
In other news, my feckless brother is coming to visit tomorrow and as my mother says “you must be absolutely delighted”. Yes, yes, I am, of course I am. I just had to remind her that he has faults but she remains annonyingly unconvinced.
some people know i blog, but no one at work.
I no longer have colleagues (I don’t think the dustbunnies count) so I cannot speak on the subject. Since very few of my friends read my blog I can’t imagine any of my colleagues would have been bothered to log on after the initial curiosity was fulfilled.
I am excited for your brother’s visit! If only for the coming phone conversations with your mother that you will hopefully transcribe.
I recently changed jobs and have been clear with my new employers that I have a blog right from the word go. They trust me not to post anything sensitive (at least, not without clearance) so there is no problem.
Not all employers are so sensible.
I am in the closet so to speak and no-one knows (except my husband). I think if someone found out I would shut the whole thing down!
A few people know, mostly fellow bloggers so we can out eachother. I keep everything non-work related so I don’t mind from that point of view, it’s just some people think blogging is a bit naff…
I am in awe at your Mothers unconditional love thing with your brother. I can find fault in absolutely everyone and everything.
I would die if some I know found out, especilly those people I have been saying nasty things about. If someone were to ask me that same question, I would pretend I don’t even know what a blog is. Come on, I am a working mom how would I find the time to have a blog?
I had to explain to a colleague what a blog was, last week, so i don’t think anyone is clever enough to actually find me. My ex boyfriend did though, which proved painful enough… I hadn’t been quite as nice about him as I’d remembered…
I don’t think they do and I certainly wouldn’t tell them. I’ve told a couple of people who used to work here, but we’re still in touch because we’re friends and so trust them to keep it to themselves.