There is a distinct pecking order in twin esteem among those who like to peer at children. Rankings are as follows:
- Identical twin girls (they’re identical, and they’re cute little girls, probably in pink)
- Identical twin boys (ok, they are boys, but they’re still identical)
- Non-identical twins, one boy one girl (they’re not identical but at least they’ve done something interesting with one boy, one girl)
- Non-identical twin girls (ok,they’re not identical but still, they’re cute little girls) and then, finally
- Non-identical twin boys (I bet they’re IVF and that’s bad, it’s cheating really).
You think I am kidding? I regularly get asked whether the boys are “real twinsâ€? I say “yes, they were born at the same timeâ€. Then the querier likes to clarify “est-ce qu’ils sont monozygote?†“No, they’re not monozygoteâ€. Then they look like I’ve been lying to them. One day I was waiting, with the boys, for Mr. Waffle and another woman was waiting for someone as well and she had twin boys too, born on the same day as mine. Hers were identical. A little old lady came zooming over to us and ignoring my beautiful boys, she peered at this other woman’s children quivering with excitement “did I hear monozygote? Est-ce qu’ils sont monozygote?”
Oh. Are they not monozygote then? I shan’t bother to read this blog any more if that’s the case.
Are your’s “stereozygote” then?
brolo, *giggle*
Suggest you adopt an affronted expression and assure old ladies that your children are definitely hetero.
Oh goodness – people can be so ridiculous!
my dad and his brother are identical twins and they are
a. wierd
b. hate each other
I am a bit wary of identical twins, mainly because its so strange to see two people who look so alike.
People want to come and look at identicals because they are unusual.
Your boys look different from each other and thats got to be an advantage self-esteem-wise.
That is the end of my sermon. x