Me (looking up from typing): We get so little time together without the children.
Him (looking up from the paper): Hmm.
Me: Do you mind that I seem to spend most of it playing with my blog?
Him: No.
Me: Do you think I’m obsessed?
Him: No, it’s a hobby.
I’m very relieved. So, as part of my hobby, I intend to participate in National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) as suggested by Mrs. Kennedy. I will post every day for the month of November. Go on, admit it, you’re delighted. No sarcasm, please. In the spirit of the event I have decided that I will go through my bloglines blog roll and talk about each of the blogs I read two by two. I know, you’re looking forward to it already.
Here we go with the first two:
ex20six is my first category. 20six was my first internet home and I loved it but it revamped and I left in a huff and so did some others.
Bobble is a photographer. Her photos would pin your ears back. They are spectacular. Her blog is an insight into a sophisticated London world of banking, post office fraud (not by her, you understand) and mature students.
Marvellous Norah. The woman who made dull office working into art. Funny art. She is a mother now and not working in an office. This is good. It has cut down on her posting. This is bad. But it looks to me like she’s gearing up to get going again.
Bobble’s photographs are always so stunning. And Norah – well I think anyone who has ever read her blog instantly becomes a fan. Both of these rank highly on my favourites (along with this one, I might add)
Wow! I am so glad to find another 20sux refugee, especially when they are on as good form as you.
I am indulging my hobby in the selfsame way as you. Luckily my hubby blogs too. But it’s getting competitive as we compare stats …
Ooh look, it’s me! Thank you Waffley for the mention. I sometimes miss the infuriating dullness of the office… it’s so much harder to blog about what a lovely day I had in the park.