This morning, I was standing on the pavement waiting for the traffic lights to change and standing beside me was a man in a suit holding a well dressed, beautiful looking little girl who was about nine months old. She had a runny nose.  Her father searched his person for tissue but to no avail (done that).  Then, he wiped her nose with his fingers (done that).  Then, he looked at his snotty fingers, shrugged his shouders and wiped them on her dress (done that).  But her nose kept running. He wiped it again with his fingers and then, absentmindedly, licked them clean (this is where I draw the line).
i would’ve left the snot. john has been known to suck the kids noses- especially when they were tiny and were having trouble breathing (even i won’t do that)
That’s what they do in Africa, so I’m told. Makes sense to me, from an observer’s point of view that is. Over here in the West you can buy a device for sucking out the snot without it entering your own mouth.