This morning, the Princess came running down the corridor to me in floods of tears.
Me: What’s wrong sweetheart?
Her (gasping between sobs): Daddy is torturing me, the big meanie.
Me: What did he do?
Her: The mean old Daddy treated me like Cinderella.
Me: How?
Her: He wouldn’t help me make my jigsaw.
Me: Why not?
Her (she is without guile): Because he wanted me to eat my breakfast.
Later, while helping her to make the offending jigsaw:
Me: Is there a piece still in the box?
Her (peering inside): We’ll see whether the mean old torturing Daddy left a piece in the box.
Well done that mean old torturer. Mothers are always a push over…. it takes a real man to face-down a non-cereal-eater and remain resolute. (Welcome back.)
Poor old Daddy.
See? Future on the stage ….
she is often drawing parallels between herself and Cinderella.
I hope Child Protection Services do not find out about this!
JD, nice to see you. Lilo, I know. Pog, quite. UC, um, yup. BroLo, terrifying prospect.