Her: What noise does a butterfly make?
Me: A butterfly doesn’t make any noise, sweetheart.
Her: A butterfly is like a giraffe.
And in a completely unrelated matter, I always suspected that when BroLo began blogging, the best bit would be his description of communal life. I think that this post proves that I was right. You may like to wish the good Brother a happy birthday as I note from my birthday calendar that he will be a year older as of Friday week and, let’s face it, your card isn’t going to reach him in time.
You know, I think I may have met BroLo when Mr LondonMon and I left Bxl? A Middle Eastern restaurant- ring any bells? No pun intended (honest).
OK – I blame the unusually warm weather in London today – Mr “LondonMom”. Also Happy Birthday BroLo – my birthday was last weekend and I still haven’t received my card from Mrs BW (hem, hem)!
But it’s in my handbag to go in the post and dated last week. Can’t be all bad.
Oh, stop. I’m blushing! Or is that a hot flash?
Anyway, I accept belated birthday cards, as long as they contain some sign of contrition. $ £ € are three good ones.
I found you! x x
P.S. Happy birthday BroLo.
Good grief – you’ve gone and gotten your own website! Well now, delusions of grandeur and all that eh??
Only kidding of course – if anyone ever deserved a website of their own…etc etc.
So…umm…hello! I’m about 95% retired from 20six right now – though I just noticed you’ve included me in your favorites. How lovely of you. What a shame any visitor would have wondered why the hell you were linking to an abandoned wasteland. Oops. Sorry.
Hello Jojo, how nice to see you too! Ah Locotes, I have gotten notions in your absence. Come back or better again, start a site that will actually have updates rather than an abandoned wasteland.