When I was small, I always wanted to travel by plane (my parents preferred mode of holiday travel was by ferry, sigh). My father flew a lot for work and I used to pester him with questions as to what it was like and he would always say: have you been on a bus? Well, like that, only with less leg room.
The Princess has been on more flights than I can remember and she’s always saying to me “Can we go by bus Mummy?â€, “Mummy, what’s it like on a bus?â€. I reply “have you been on a plane? Well, like that, only with more leg room”.
Anyhow, tomorrow, I will have the dubious pleasure of travelling by plane to a distant destination for work. Alone. Leaving poor Mr. Waffle holding the babies and also the toddler. Perhaps there will be updates from the distant country, perhaps not. It all depends whether I can crack this wifi thing.
Bon voyage. Now that Mr. W knows that men can be adoptive breastfeeders, there should be no problems at home.
Gosh, you’re glamorous, Waffle.
Gosh, I never thought I’d say that to a woman with three children under the age of four.
BL, indeed.
Oh, Kate, if only you knew where my exotic destination was, you’d be a lot less impressed. And I didn’t get the wifi to work either.