One of the many excellent things about giving
birth in the kingdom of the Belgians is that it is standard practice to go to a
physiotherapist for ante and post natal classes and the physiotherapist attends
the birth.
Yesterday I attended a class. Usually I go to a French speaking class,
partly because I think that the physio is clearer in French but mostly because
it panders to my notions about myself. Anyhow,
at the French speaking class itÂ’s a mixture of people who have had children
before and first timers but, for whatever reason, at the English speaking
class, they were all first timers. Oh
how superior I felt.
Here are some reasons why. Irish woman, due on the day of the class “is
there a birthing pool in the hospital?”
Frankly, lady, if you want to go down this route, do you really think
that itÂ’s a good idea to ask about it for the first time on your due date? In fact, I happen to know that the only
birthing pool in Belgium is in Ostend (please do not ask how I came by
this arcane knowledge), so it was really far, far too late for this. Meanwhile the physio had understood “birthing
pillow” and responded that there were dozens.
Mild confusion.
Slightly smug American lady asked the physio
“do you believe in the epidural?”. Given
that 96% of births in Belgium are with epidurals, IÂ’m betting
that she does. Seeing is believing.
Physio explained that she would come to the
hospital after the birth to do exercises and then, after a couple of weeks at
home, we should start coming back to classes.
Finnish woman asks “why don’t we go back to classes immediately after
coming out of hospital?”. Physio says
tactfully that this can be a tiring time.
“But” persists the Finnish woman “we can do them at home?” “Yes, you can do them at home”. “But” I’m thinking “you may prefer to use
that time to shower”.
Yes, I was irredeemably smug. Boy, am I riding for a fall.
on 23 September 2005 at 16:06

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 September 2005 at 17:26
Dear Mrs. Waffle, i am in awe of your fortitude, still going to prenatal classes. I am putting up my feet in hopes you will follow my lead.
on 23 September 2005 at 19:43

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 September 2005 at 23:06

Sweetie(s) given
on 24 September 2005 at 12:53
Norah, please write a blog entry on this! I’d enjoy that and I need to be humoured.
Kristen, FT is an American also, so he is entitled to be a bit sarky. Most of the Americans I know are not smug at all, no for a nation of smug souls, you need the Dutch.
Star, Jojo, thank you very much.

Sweetie(s) given
Today is my due date
Is there any news? There is not. Well, I bought a new teapot, does that count? I thought that my ticker ruler might do something exciting to celebrate but it’s just sitting there stolidly saying “0 days left” so I’m going to remove it in a huff.
on 23 September 2005 at 10:53
They’re obviously comfy in there. Or waiting for ‘their’ new car to turn up.on 23 September 2005 at 11:00
Whoo! Congratulations on your new teapot!on 23 September 2005 at 12:05
one sugar and a chocolate digestive please!Angela
on 23 September 2005 at 13:20
A new teapot is ALMOST as exciting as twins, right?I’ll be thinking about you. Best wishes to the family of five!
on 23 September 2005 at 13:41
going past due date with twins, is almost unheard of, they must be way to comfy in there, go for a bumpy car ride, and a really hot curry.
on 23 September 2005 at 15:34
Well not tooo fast now newshoes because the doctor isn’t back until tomorrow night.Pog, it’s here, drove around in it today. Bloody enormous.
Norah, I knew you’d be pleased for me and two sweeties. Ta very much.
Jojo, all sweet things are banned – you must suffer with me.
Angela, even more exciting from some angles, I guess.
Amerly, well maybe I should enjoy this time…
on 23 September 2005 at 15:38
In that case, I expect they’ll be making an appearance shortly, ay?
on 23 September 2005 at 15:43
Come out little ‘uns!on 23 September 2005 at 23:04
In that case, raspberry leaf – straight, with a side of ryvita (how on earth do you spell that?)on 24 September 2005 at 12:50
Presume so, pog…But it’s kind of quiet without them Chintzy.
Jojo, wish I’d seen this sage advice before I went shopping this morning.
on 26 September 2005 at 16:26
That’s a shame – I was looking forward to some sort of spangly, explosive finale from your ticker as well. How disappointing. Oh well. I suppose the eventual arrival of the twins will be exciting itself. Well, a bit.😉