This whole foot swelling thing is out of control. The weather isn’t helping. As of yesterday, I could fit into one pair of shoes. Just. I went out at lunch time to buy some new shoes in a larger size, but no joy. My problem was that my enormous swollen instep and ankle required a size 42 but my feet continued (mercifully, I suppose) to be a size 39 in length so the flip floppy things I was trying on were just too flip floppy to walk in. Meanwhile young things with gazelle like ankles were taunting me by flaunting same.
Mercifully the weather is not so hot today and I can fit into a range of shoes. And while I’m on the subject of shoes. I got the following email recently:
“Hi Belgianwaffle!
I reacted via your weblog about what you wrote there about scholl sandals. For my final examination next year I’starting a study about the influence of wearing woorden exercise sandals on the feet in general. Since two years wooden sandals such as Scholl are increasing in popularity in most european countries as you may also have noticed in Belgium.
I understand that your experiences with the Scholls you bought were not very positive. Would you like to give me some more information abouty what disappointed you?. Were it wooden Scholl sandals by the way? But also things like how often you wore them and for how long. Would love to hear from you!”
Of course I replied at great length. As will be obvious, I find talking about me irresistible. Yet, somewhere, in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help wondering whether the author of this email was entirely serious. Annemie, if you’re genuine, I’d like you to know that I’m finding my wooden Scholl sandals very comfortable with my swollen ankles.
And finally, today saw us venturing to a barbecue in the Irish College in Louvain which was pleasant. Our daughter kindly wandered in a Lavender maze presenting us with fantastic photo ops (always an object with parents).
And yes, her hair doth grow!
Beautiful little girl.
My feet offend me on a daily basis – I don’t think I’ll ever see my ankle bones again.
Dear waffle, I understand how the trials of pregnancy are affecting your wardrobe, appetite and feet, but fear not, for once the little tykes are born, parenting will be a breeze. A guide has been created which you can follow as law – and then watch your little darlings turn into the pride of Ireland…..well, Cork anyway.
Have a peek here.
Thank you Kristin and Lilo for suitable motherly comments on the photos – I would like you to know that you are writing to one with cocktail sausages for toes so your comments are most comforting.
Locotes, I enjoyed that. Ta.
Beth, now you’re talking.