I just got an email from a potential employer summoning me to an interview next Thursday. That’s right when I’m supposed to be relaxing on the French coast. Cursed loudly and then remembered that the rest of the household is trying to sleep. Blah. Will have to speak to Messrs SNCF about cancelling/changing train tickets and bet I won’t get the bloody job either.
Also got the following in the same bumper crop of emails, from my greatest living fan, my friend C:
“Last few blogs v. good, I liked the structure of the ‘More Belgian than the Belgians themselves’. Try to cut down on cliches, though, good to have a few but you can have too many – one entry with ‘great unwashed’ and ‘alone and palely loitering’ etc.
You know my criticisms are all constructive, don’t you?”
Is she going off me? Will I become entirely unread? Am cut to the quick and await with bated breath a full retraction going forward.