It was Mr. Waffle’s birthday a week after mine but he remains a year younger than me. I often wonder what I did with that extra year given that he seems to know so much more than me, particularly about flags. We did our best with presents but I fear that, as usual, we failed to give him anything that was any good. He’s a hard man to buy for. Still, he seemed pleased with his presents and his birthday dinner and I suppose that is the best we can hope for.
A couple of weeks ago Mr. Waffle and I went to a terrible film called “Le Voyage de Talia”. It had some interesting ideas and the potential to be interesting but it failed to realise its potential. I felt you should know.
Today we went out for a cycle around Killiney which is a lot more attractive than I remember and an awful lot hillier than you might expect somewhere near the coast to be. We took the suburban train out with our bikes. There was an older Ukrainian woman on the train going to Bray which is a bit further along the line and, for the first time ever, my Ukrainian came in useful. She didn’t speak much English and she wanted to know how many stops to Bray and how to get to the seafront there. With some factual input from another woman, I was able to translate, a proud moment, I can tell you. I pointed in the direction of Bray on the horizon to explain how much further she needed to go. She looked at the bay delighted and said that Bray reminded her of Yalta on the Black Sea; probably the first time that comparison has been made.
Anyway Mr. Waffle and I got out in Killiney, cycled about and had lunch and a good time was had by all etc. And it almost didn’t rain on us.