The other day I was reading a column by this new (to me) Australian journalist in the Irish Times (Brianna Parkins, I like her). This column, which you may read at the link, should you feel so inclined basically says that because I would do a better job at cleaning is not a reason to do all the cleaning and have your (male) partner do none.
Mr. Waffle and I are in the happy position of being able to pay someone to do our cleaning for us. This morning I asked the cleaner whether she could do something about the sooty tiles at the front of the fireplace. She did. They are sparkling. I am delighted. I summoned Mr. Waffle to look. “Um, what am I looking at?” said he. “The tiles in the hearth, look at them!” “Are they different, good or bad?” he asked nervously. Brianna Perkins has her work cut out I would suggest. Yes, I did do this for the pun in the title. We are a third of the way through NaBloPoMo and inspiration is not what it might be.
In other news, saintly Daniel made dinner tonight. His cold (hopefully not Covid – test tomorrow to be sure) is much improved. My brother has two spare tickets for the Ireland – New Zealand rugby match on Saturday and spread joy by giving them to Mr. Waffle and Dan.
And finally, have I come down with a cold? Yes I have. Am I having a Covid test at 8.30 in the morning? Yup. Can’t wait. Anyone else worried that their cold might kill someone?